What is an Allflex management code or line of text?
A management code is the big, bold line where the selected numbering system is featured on the tag. This area has a limit of 3 to 5 characters (including punctuation and spaces). Letters are printed in ALL CAPITALS.
A line of text is an entry that is printed on the tag, usually with a limit of 16 to 20 characters (including punctuation and spaces). Many producers use the line of text to indicate the ranch name, phone number, group name, sire/dam information, or other helpful details. A variety of tag layouts are available with 1 to 4 full lines of text on each side of the tag. Letters are printed in ALL CAPITALS.
*For TPWD approved tags, the assigned 5 character unique code is printed as the line of text.
Both laser and ink-only tags allow the use of letters, numbers, spaces, and select special characters in both the management code and line of text fields. Please see the chart below.

Allflex has upgraded its printing systems and software. While some characters listed above were programmed into the new system, others were not. We will contact you if the layout you choose cannot accept your selected special character.
Font height varies across tag sizes. The information and images below are for the most commonly ordered tag - Maxi. The Maxi size management code field can vary from 1 1/10 inch to 1 3/4 inch in height. The characters in a line of text are 3/8 inch in height on a Maxi size tag. See the two example images below.