Allflex Tissue Sampling Technology (TSU)
nextGen™ by Allflex focuses on what producers need: Easy, high-quality tissue sample collection that saves you time and provides a high rate of success in the lab.
Tissue sampling has several advantages:
- Unlike some sampling methods, nextGen samples can be taken in animals as young as one day old.
- No need to count hair follicles or guess if enough biological matter (often mucous, semen or blood) is present to produce a good lab result. With nextGen, you will see the actual tissue sample and know if there is enough genomic material before sending to the lab.
- Easy to use. Professional expertise is no longer needed for drawing blood or procuring other samples.
Collecting tissue samples has never been more efficient and cost-effective. Scientific advancements in the mapping of livestock genomes along with continued development of affordable analytics have changed the sampling industry – making it easier and quicker for producers to use DNA for:
- Parentage verification
- Genetic selection
- BVD diagnostics
Allflex has worked with the country’s leading biotechnology companies, livestock genetic testing labs and leading livestock producers to develop a unique device for collecting tissue samples. The result is the nextGen™ Tissue Sampling Unit (TSU) by Allflex.
nextGen™ by Allflex maintains Allflex’s commitment to innovation, quality, and performance. The nextGen™ TSU provides:
- Fast, high-performance sample collection … Samples can be collected in seconds with minimal animal restraint. A single-squeeze motion collects a sample with minimum distress to the animal.
- Clean, uncontaminated sampling … The genetic material is sealed in a specially designed preservative.
- Visual, DNA-sample identification … Instant confirmation of on-farm sampling success. No more guessing whether enough genetic material has been gathered.
- Minimized retesting … Tissue samples contain a large quantity of high-quality DNA for genetic analysis yielding excellent lab results.
- The desiccant (preservative) is used to "dry" and preserve the tissue sample for a long very time. This is one of the best ways to preserve DNA for long periods of time other than freezing. Can be shipped, air-freighted without being labeled as hazardous.
TSU Application Guide- Allflex Video - click here to learn how to obtain each TSU sample.
nextGen™ Tissue Sample Applicator
If you are unsure of where to send your samples for testing, you might consider the options below.
- Many livestock associations or programs have guidelines to follow or recommended testing facilities. If you are a member of an association or program, be sure to check with them first.
- Genomic Testing Facilities
After the work of obtaining samples is complete, we know you are anxious to get the samples safely to the testing facility. Some points to consider for best shipping practices are noted below.
- If using a full box of 10 units, you can use the box as packing then insert it into another box or padded envelope.
- Single units packaging can be placed in a ziplock-type bag, then wrapped in padding, inserted into a box or envelope.
- Note the units do contain animal tissue and preserving liquids, so wrap them accordingly to ensure damage is not done while in transport.
- Other items to check before submitting or sending - make sure your TSU is free from tattoo ink, dirt, debris, excessive blood, hair coming out of the top, or a damaged/cracked TSU.
- Once the tissue sample has been successfully extracted, care should be taken to store the sample at room temperature and away from sunlight for up to a year. Some producers will place them in the refrigerator for short-term storage. Allflex does recommend freezing the sample after a year, for long-term storage.